Review from Carol Jones

Review from the paperback edition review on Waterstones

“A wonderfully crafted novel detailing a woman's journey to discover her past and heal the present”

An engaging and beautifully written novel tracing a woman’s journey to heal the present and future by uncovering the truths of the past.

The novel took me from London and Mallorca to Sydney where Agnes grew up. The sense of place and time is wonderful. You are there with Agnes in 50s and 60s Australia as her past is revealed to her.

The characterisation is fantastic - the dominant mother, the (seemingly) absent father; the diverse people Agnes meets and ‘adopts’ to help her survive her difficult youth.

This is an important novel which tells of survival in difficult circumstances, yet at the same time it is written with a light and sometimes humorous touch and you are filled with hope for Agnes’s healing and future.
